The Civil Society Parliamentary Engagement Network (CSPEN)

Bridging the gap between the Senate, Parliament and the people.

It brings together over 25 actors with interest in parliament with a view of facilitating engagement, cross learning, peer sharing and providing a linkage and technical support between the civil society sector and Parliament.

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CSPEN Forum to Examine Key Financial Legislations

On the 17th of May 2023, Mzalendo Trust played host to members of the Civil Society Parliamentary Network (CSPEN) for a comprehensive examination of finance-related legislations, specifically the Finance Bill, 2023, and the County Governments (Revenue Raising Process) Bill, 2023.

During the event, Mr. Elias Wakisi, the Senior Manager of Public Policy and Research at the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK), provided valuable insights into the contentious Finance Bill, 2023. He emphasized strategies to ensure that taxation effectively contributes to investment, employment generation, and overall national economic growth.

A significant area of debate that took center stage during the forum revolved around the correlation between the taxes citizens pay and the services they receive. The pivotal question was whether these two aspects were in equilibrium.